Learn More About OREIA





The Ohio Real Estate Inspectors Association 

OREIA is a professional 501c3 non-profit organization

OREIA is a professional 501c3 non-profit organization

(A non-profit organization established for religious organizations (e.g., churches), charities, and certain educational institutions)

OREIA is a professional 501c3 non-profit organization

(A non-profit organization established for religious organizations (e.g., churches), charities, and certain educational institutions)

The Purpose Of OREIA

The Purpose Of OREIA

The purpose of OREIA is to serve the public and the home inspection profession through education, improvements in professional standards and ethics and providing assistance to home inspectors, organizations that employ or oversee home inspectors, and all others who interact with or engage the services of home inspectors, all consistent with provisions of Section 501 © of the internal revenue code.



The Purpose Of OREIA

The purpose of OREIA is to serve the public and the home inspection profession through education, improvements in professional standards and ethics and providing assistance to home inspectors, organizations that employ or oversee home inspectors, and all others who interact with or engage the services of home inspectors, all consistent with provisions of Section 501 © of the internal revenue code.



OREIA Operations

OREIA Operations

OREIA is ran by a 100% volunteer staff of home inspectors that has no political agenda and exists solely to provide the highest quality education at the lowest possible cost. We are inspectors helping fellow inspectors.

OREIA Operations

OREIA Board Members

Organization By-Laws

1.1 Name. The name of this professional organization is the Ohio Real Estate Inspectors Association, Inc. (“OREIA”).

1.2 Principal Office. The principal mailing address in the state of Ohio will be at OREIA PO Box 532197, Cincinnati Ohio 45253.

1.3 Purpose. The purpose of OREIA is to serve the public and the home inspection profession through education, improvements in professional standards and ethics and providing assistance to home inspectors, organizations that employ or oversee home inspectors, and all others who interact with or engage the services of home inspectors, all consistent with provisions of Section 501 © of the internal revenue code.

1.4 Non-Profit. OREIA is a 501c3 non-profit and no part of its net revenues shall inure benefit of any private individual or corporation. No stock shall be issued by the corporation and no dividend shall be paid not shall any portion of profit or income be distributed to any member, officer or director. No loans shall be made by the corporation to its officers or directors.

1.5 Compliance. In determining compliance with these By-laws and all policies of OREIA, deference shall be given to all member, and these By-laws as well as any policies shall be liberally constructed. The policy of ORIEA shall be reasonable, good faith, substantial compliance, rather than strict compliance, focused on the spirit rather than the letter of any provision, so that the will of the members may be heard so much as reasonably possible in harmony with these By-laws and the policies of ORIEA. However, these By-laws shall strictly control any decision which is not sheltered by the latitude granted under substantial compliance examination and the Board of Directors shall make all such determinations at its sole discretion, by two-thirds vote, which shall be final and conclusive.

The Board Of Directors

All corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of, and the business and affairs of the corporation managed under the direction of, the Board of Directors, and all powers provided in applicable law, subject to any limitation set forth in applicable law. Refer to the By-Laws PDF for the OREIA organizations by-laws including terms for the Board of Directors.

A director owes a duty of loyalty, a duty of good faith, and a fiduciary duty to OREIA which should not be taken lightly. Accordingly, a director is precluded from representing OREIA in any transaction in which that director is personally and directly or indirectly interested in obtaining any advantage at the expense

A director is prohibited from entering into any contracts or other transactions involving OREIA subject to applicable statutory provisions governing director conflicts of interest such as ORS 271B.8-310 (Section 8.31 of the Model Business Corporations Act). Any transaction inconsistent with those principles and unfair to OREIA is voidable and OREIA shall be entitled to immediate recompense from such director.

Copyright 2025 © Ohio Real Estate Home Inspectors Association 

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